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We Buy Junk Cars Near You for Cash

We buy junk cars. It's what we do. Get an offer from JunkCarMasters for your junk car in just 90 seconds and get paid lightning-fast. 

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We Buy Junk Cars in Your Area

Other car junkyards and companies that buy junk cars might give you the run-around or offer far less than what your vehicle is really worth. We’ve been buying junk cars for years, so we know how to properly value your damaged car and get you the most cash possible.

When selling a junk car, you have a few options available to you. The first thing most people think of to get the most cash for junk cars is selling through local buyers. This way, you’re cutting out the middleman and selling directly to a buyer.

Did You Know?

The experts at Junk Car Masters have been buying cars for years and have earned some of the highest ratings in the industry, with 4.9/5 stars on Google and a 9.8/10 score on TrustPilot. We’re a BBB-accredited A+ business with thousands of satisfied clients just like you.

We specialize in buying damaged vehicles that most other buyers won’t touch. So, don’t hesitate, visit JunkCarMasters.com to see how much your car is REALLY worth and you could have cash in hand as soon as 24 hours from now!

Who Will Buy My Junk Car?

But you’ll have no idea who your buyer is. Moreover, selling online could mean inviting multiple strangers to your residence to check out the vehicle. On top of that, there’s the time and effort spent on posting and maintaining online listings.

If you’re trying to sell a junk car fast, you might think a scrapyard is the right idea, but that’s not always the right idea either. Local junkyards are notorious for making low offers and being unwilling to work with you on bringing the price up. Most of the time, they’re just not equipped to appraise your car for its correct value.

We strongly suggest using our online pricing tool to check the cash value of your car before making any final decisions.

People Who Buy Junk Cars for Top Dollar Near Me

Instead of limiting your search to local scrapyards and car removal services, Junk Car Masters plugs you into a nationwide network of approved junk car buyers to get you the best possible price.

We buy junk cars for cash online, and the whole appraisal process takes less than two minutes from your computer or phone. We buy anything from totaled cars, vehicles with a blown engine, and even cars that don’t run anymore.

Simply answer some questions about your vehicle, snap a few pictures, and we’ll send a tow truck to your home or office for FREE to pick up your car and put payment in your hand.

Selling an Old or Junk Car is Easy

Whenever you decide to sell that old junk car, remember to start by talking to the experts at Junk Car Masters. We’ve been in the business for decades and made over a million offers on vehicles just like yours.

Our hassle-free online buying process makes it easier than ever to turn that junk car into quick cash without the headache of a private sale or the haggling involved in selling to a junkyard.

Who Buys Junk Cars Without Title?

If a potential buyer tells you “we buy junk cars, no title needed then you should be cautious. That’s because almost all 50 states require title transfer in order to finalize the sale of your vehicle.

Securing a replacement title isn’t all that hard either. In most states, you will just have to fill out a form and file it with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and they’ll give you a title on the spot or ship you one in the mail. Check the requirements for Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, or even Houston.

In addition to title transfer, it’s often a good idea to complete a Bill of Sale for your records whether your state requires one or not. Otherwise, it’s best to steer clear of junkyards that buy cars with no title. At best, you can try and part out your car and get cash for its parts.

Buy My Junk Car!

We are the JunkCarMasters and we buy junk cars just like yours every day. It doesn’t matter whether your car has been totaled, damaged in a serious collision, sustained mechanical or electrical damage, or if it even runs.

We buy cars with seized engines, bad transmissions, broken timing chains, and more. You can come to us if you need to junk cars for cash and get top pay! We’ll even pick up your car for free to save you the cost of towing your vehicle to a local junkyard. So, stop wondering “who will buy my junk car?” and visit JunkCarMasters.com today!