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We Pay Cash for Scrap Cars Near You

Don't let your scrap vehicle sit around collecting dust. CarBrain.com will pay you cash for it in 24-48 hrs.

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Fair Prices

Fair-Market Prices For Your Junk Cars

FREE Towing

Fast Pick-Up In Under 48 Business Hours

Great Service

Quick, Easy And Hassle-Free!

A scrap car can feel like a hopeless, costly burden to have on hand when you don't know what to do with it. However, if you follow the proper channels, you can salvage some value for your junk car.

In simple terms, a junk car is an automobile that is no longer economically viable to maintain. These cars are often costly to repair than to sell. If your car reaches this point, and you’re undecided on what to do, the best decision is to get rid of it.

Where to Sell Scrap Cars for Money

Selling a written off car is not as simple as it seems. With so many options available in the market, you can always be spoiled for choice. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered!

At Junk Car Masters, we offer a unique salvage value calculator that instantly determines the value of your broken car beforehand. Interestingly, this pricing tool is free and has no obligations whatsoever. We will take care of the selling process, which includes value determination to delivery.

Get Paid Cash for Your Scrap Car Within 48 Hours!

Selling a written-off car is not as simple as it seems. With so many options available in the market, you can always be spoilt for choice. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered!

At Junk Car Masters, we offer a unique salvage value calculator that instantly determines the value of your damaged car beforehand. This pricing tool is free and comes with obligations whatsoever. We will take care of the selling process, which includes everything from value determination to pickup.

Scrap Your Car With FREE Towing

Besides the online quotation feature mentioned above, Junk Car Masters has several other advantages that give us an edge over rival junk car buyers. These include:

How it works

Selling off an old car on Junk Car Masters is a simple, straightforward process. First, you are required to enter the car’s details on the website. The site will return an offer almost instantly after submitting the information about the vehicle. If you are satisfied, you can arrange with the company on how the car will be picked. A check is given during the handing over.

Should You Sell Your Car for Scrap?

Perhaps you’re having second thoughts over whether you should sell your car as scrap. You should know that using traditional methods of disposing of a damaged car are far less advantageous and more difficult than selling it as junk. Here are the reasons why:


A car is a too expensive investment to let go for free (or at a throwaway price), even if it beyond repair. Also, you should not waste your time looking for customers and bargaining with dealers who may offer cheap prices.

That's why selling to Junk Car Masters just makes sense. We'll give you a fair market price for your car in any condition, with FREE towing and title transfer, in just 90 seconds. Don't waste your time haggling and negotiating — skip straight to the part where you collect your check!

Where Can I Get Cash For Scrap Cars?

You can get cash for your scrap car with a scrap car buyer in your area. When you're looking for buyers, it's important to vet your options carefully. As you contact each potential buyer, remember to think about:

  • Will they cover the cost of towing?
  • Is the offer guaranteed?
  • Are there any hidden fees?
  • What are their reviews like?
  • Are they appropriately licensed?

Selling to the wrong buyer can lead to significantly more headaches in the future.

Who Can I Safely Get Cash For My Scrap Car From?

From JunkCarMasters! We only work with vetted and licensed scrap car buyers in your area, and our offers always come with free towing and title transfer. There are no fees for using our service, and we can produce a fair market offer for your car in just 90 seconds!

How Much Cash Can I Get For My Scrap Car?

That depends on how much your car weighs and what current scrap metal prices are doing, among other factors. It can be anything from less than $200 to more than $600. JunkCarMasters can tell you exactly what your vehicle is worth in 90 seconds — and buy it from you, without charging you a penny for towing and title transfer.